Talking LFOs.
Introducing Sylab, the revolutionary vowel filter that transforms your instruments into eloquent storytellers.
Uncover the magic of vowels with unique formants and resonant frequencies. Sylab injects a captivating energy that transforms your sound into dynamic expressions
Sylab introduces the revolutionary LFOGRID, enabling you to effortlessly animate your filter and craft new LFOs that bring subtle life to your music.
Enhance your music production experience and make a statement with Sylab – where innovation meets inspiration.

Sylab opens up a world of endless sonic variations, enabling you to craft rhythmic and dynamic variations that breathe life into your electro tracks.
Highlight the specific formants and resonant frequencies of vowels with Sylab, enabling the creation of a distinctive and rich sonic palette.
Showcase the revolutionary LFOGRID feature that seamlessly animates the filter, effortlessly introducing dynamic and captivating LFO patterns to your music.
Emphasize the user-friendly interface of Sylab, making it easy for musicians of all levels to experiment, innovate, and bring their creative visions to life.
Discover LFOGRID!
- Version 1.5.1
- Multilanguage Manual
- VST / VST3
- AudioUnit
- 107 Presets
Title for This Block

- Editor Select Modes.
- Extra Oscillator.
- Favorites Manager.
- Precise & Selectable I/O Vu-Meters.
- Powerful Snap Modes.
- Multiple functions in Morph Editor.
- Double & Mirror.
- 4 Randomize modes.
- Morph Sequencer.
- 107 Original Presets.
- Control for Pitch Shift .
- Preset Manager.
- Polyrhythmic Rates.
- Editor Zoom.
- Smooth.
- Roll Points Left & Right.
- Morph Optimize
- Gate mode
- 3 Lock Mode
- LFOGRID Background Computation (1.2)
- APF Distortion (1.2)
- Manual Update (1.2)
- Morph Editor.
- MIDI Controlled Note .
- Morphing Load Manager.
- Random & Locked Preset.
- Preference Panel.
- Drawing Pencils, Square & Line.
- Normalize.
- Choppers.
- Rate Control for each Morph.
- Editor Point Mode.
- 3 Morphing Modes. (Immediate / Morph / Linear).
- Interactive Help.
- Morph Manager.
- Easy Morph Points Editor.
- Flip Vertical & Horizontal.
- Copy/Paste between GUIs.
- Free Run mode – sync to host behaviour
- Lock Snapshot
- User Lock Mode
- LFOGRID new workflow (1.2)
- UNDO Manangement update (1.2)
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Obvious Filter
Morphing Analog Filter

Noise Bleach
Percussive Cleaner

Legacy Synth

Vocal Freeze
Infinite sustain texturizer

Talking LFO

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Awarded Audio Thunder

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Sonic Wreckage